Christian Curriculum for
Homeschools, MicroSchools, and Schools

  • Preschool to 12th Grade
  • Teaching is easy with pre-planned lessons
  • Learning is fun with thematic hands-on projects
  • A Christian worldview throughout all subjects

Pre-planned, thematic curriculum that makes teaching easy and learning fun with hands-on projects.

See Our Unique Approach Free Downloads Schools, MicroSchools, & Daycare

The My Father's World curriculum is THE BEST that I've come across in my experience both as a homeschool mom and as a formal classroom teacher in the public and private school systems. My family loves it, and as a result, we are growing closer to one another and to the Lord. We also have awesome adventures through the woods, wild flower fields and beaches in our outdoor exploration days. Cheryl

I just wanted to let you know what a great first year we're having with My Father's World! Our children (12 & 9) were in public school until this year, so I was really nervous. The Teacher's Manual is so organized, and we love how every day begins with Bible reading. Annette

You've made it really easy on parents. It's just enough for each day, not too much. My son loves school and is disappointed when it's not a school day. He's been thanking me daily: "Thank you for doing school with me, Momma!" I am super happy with the curriculum. Katie

Thank you so much for making homeschooling so do-able and fun. I have completed the kindergarten program and am about half way through the first grade material that you have written. My Father's World material is so God centered and yet so complete as far as academics is concerned. Thank you again and may God richly reward you. Amber

This is our 8th year to home school. Our oldest is in college and our younger ones recently began My Father's World first grade program and Exploring Countries and Cultures. We have always put together our own curriculum, so this has been a big adjustment for me, but I love what My Father's World has done. The biggest benefit to me is that we can sit down and begin because everything is done for us. I always did lesson plans before, but they never seemed to work as easily as these do. We get so much more done in a day, and the boys are enjoying it. It is so well thought through that I don't have to stop and decide how I'm going to approach the next topic. Glenna

It is hands down the absolute BEST year of homeschool I've ever had! It is wiggle friendly and completely manageable. Teresa

We are so thankful for the My Father's World curriculum. We have seen such a hunger for learning and a growing love for the Lord and His word being developed in our children's lives. We look forward to the coming years of using My Father's World!!! Keep up the good work! Jennie

A Christian biblical worldview is the foundation of our curriculum

Your child will experience the Bible, God's Truth, integrated into social studies, history, geography, science, math, language arts, literature, art, music, and character development.

See Bible Integrations
Curriculum Books

A Family Focused Approach

Our approach allows you to teach your children together at the same time with age/grade appropriate projects to keep everyone engaged and challenged.

Bring Your Family Together

Structured mornings and flexible afternoons

God's world is our classroom! Our flexible daily plans allow time for life and service every day. Use the afternoons for music lessons, library visits, field trips, and good old-fashioned outdoor play!

Learning Through Doing