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Learn About My Father's World
My Father's World is dedicated to inspiring academic excellence in an easy and life transforming way. My Father's World Christian homeschool curriculum combines the best of Charlotte Mason's ideas, Hebraic classical education, and unit studies with a biblical worldview and global focus. Our goal is to raise up generations of families who see the world through God's eyes and live according to that knowledge.
Our Philosophy
At My Father's World, we talk a lot about how we make homeschool easy … and it's not just talk. We know that parenting can be a challenging enough job without the added responsibility of being a teacher and we have worked hard to make homeschooling as easy as possible. Here are some of the primary ways My Father's World makes homeschool easy.
Preschool - 3rd Grade
From Preschool - 3rd grade, our year-long DISCOVER learning adventures take a thematic approach as you and your child explore God's world through faith-building read-alouds, hands-on manipulatives, science projects, math, art, music, and biblical messages woven throughout the curriculum. Each Curriculum Package contains all necessary materials for use as a full-year curriculum.
4th - 8th Grade
Students in 4th - 8th grade (and 2nd-3rd grade siblings) begin our INVESTIGATE cycle with Exploring Countries and Cultures. Like all of our Investigate packages, this provides a full year of Bible, geography, history, literature, science, music appreciation, and art activities for a range of ages. Once the year is completed, all 4th - 8th grade children move to the next INVESTIGATE package and continue learning together.
9th - 12th Grade
Each high school program is a one-year curriculum that integrates history (with government, economics, and geography), English, and Bible (3 full-year credits) with detailed daily lesson plans written to the student for parent-guided independent work.
Scope and Sequence
Grow with My Father's World
DISCOVER, INVESTIGATE, and DECLARE — our God-centric curriculum mirrors the classical approach of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. We help you teach your children to "see the world through God's eyes and live according to that knowledge."
Family Learning Cycle
Our multi-age curriculum is unique. You can use the same curriculum to teach children of different grade levels all at the same time.
How Literature is Included
Literature Rich Curriculum
My Father's World strives to provide the best choices for literature. In addition, our Book Basket™, an extensive list of highly recommended, but optional, library books, is included with each year of our curriculum. This allows My Father’s World to provide excellent literature options for children of all reading levels.
HSLDA works on behalf of homeschoolers to protect our ongoing freedom to educate our children at home by monitoring laws introduced by state and federal legislators.
As you see college on the horizon, we highly encourage you to seriously consider the options provided by Unbound.