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Our Strategic Ally
for High School and Beyond
DECLARE Coaching by Unbound®
DECLARE Coaching is an online small group mentorship that is available for all four years of My Father's World high school.
NAVIGATE by Unbound®
Navigate is a 16-week online course designed to help young adults launch into life with confidence and make wise decisions as they move forward in life.
Identify your next step and move forward with confidence in your decisions!
Navigate students learn how to answer questions such as …
- How do I figure out God's will for my life?
- How do I know what I should do after high school?
- How do I handle too many interests — or not enough?
- How do I get un-stuck and find motivation?
With an engaging course format and two live Q & A sessions, students learn how to make big life decisions — and love the process!
Navigate is included in our U.S. History 1877 to the Present curriculum for high school seniors as a 0.5 credit elective.
ASCEND by Unbound®
Our culture is failing young adults. Culture teaches young adults that purpose is found in fame, fortune, or power.
Ascend™ is different. Ascend is a one-year, post-high school leadership and professional development program. It trains young adults to thrive by teaching them to identify and live God's purpose for their life, serve others, build healthy relationships, and live resiliently in the real world for the glory of God.
After one year in Ascend students achieve the following:
- Complete a personal project
- Attend three live events across the country
- Learn from subject-matter experts through live workshops
- Complete the Signature Leadership Courses taught by Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries
- Earn Signature Leadership certification
- Build a community and network with other students
- Earn 9, 15, or 30 college credits
- Earn Ascend certification
Ascend consists of four pieces: Ascend Events, Ascend Tracks, Ascend Projects, and the Ascend
- Ascend Events train students to thrive by connecting them with each other in a team environment, teaching them practical skills and resilience, challenging them to achieve more than they think is possible through hands-on projects, and training them in leadership and relational skills.
- Ascend Tracks are the deep learning part of Ascend where students choose a certificate, specialty, or degree track. Tracks teach the academic and vocational skills that equip students for life, and they define each student's curriculum and study schedule.
- Ascend Projects are the core of the program and connect live events and tracks with hands-on experience in fields of interest to the students. Everything students learn at events and in their tracks find its focus and expression in their projects.
- Ascend Community is the heart of the Ascend experience and makes the events, tracks, and projects come to life. Students consistently rate the personal community and professional network they gain through Ascend as their favorite part of the program.
When an Ascend student completes the third and final year of the program, having successfully earned each Ascend certificate, they will have been trained to thrive. They will also graduate with the official Ascend employment guarantee. We do not believe a successful Ascend student will graduate from our program, move into the job market, and not be able to find work. If we're wrong? All your money back, guaranteed.
For more information about what your student can achieve through Ascend, schedule an appointment