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Home School Legal Defense Association
Homeschooling Advocates Since 1983
My Father's World has always appreciated the efforts of the Home School Legal Defense Association to preserve and advance the educational freedom we have as homeschoolers.
HSLDA works on behalf of homeschoolers to protect our ongoing freedom to educate our children at home by monitoring laws introduced by state and federal legislators. They defend our rights in court when litigation is necessary. Their staff writes letters on our behalf when school administrators, law enforcement agencies, or government officials try to unlawfully limit our homeschooling activities. Additionally, they monitor the United Nations to assure that our parental rights are not restricted. For all of this we are eternally grateful. A great debt is owed to HSLDA for the freedom we all enjoy. My Father's World encourages every family to join HSLDA!

Protect Your Family
Affordable Membership Rates through My Father's World
HSLDA Donates to Bible Translation for Each New Membership through My Father's World
About the HSLDA
Since 1983, HSLDA has been an advocate for family and homeschool freedom. My Father's World has always appreciated the work of the Home School Legal Defense Association to preserve and expand the rights of parents that chose the best educational option of homeschooling.
Home School Legal Defense Association's primary goal has remained the same – to bring together a large number of homeschooling families so that each can have a low-cost method of obtaining quality legal defense. HSLDA gives families the freedom to homeschool without having to face legal threats alone. Through many families sticking together, HSLDA has been able to keep the cost of a year's membership close to the rate you would have to pay for an hour of an attorney's time almost anywhere else.
After a family joins HSLDA, there are no further charges of any kind for defense in court. HSLDA pays in full all attorney fees, expert witness costs, travel expenses, and all other court costs permissible by state law for HSLDA to pay.
The majority of homeschool related legal issues faced by member families are successfully resolved through HSLDA's early intervention without any court action. Many times HSLDA attorneys call or write letters on behalf of members contacted by local officials. For those who wind up in court, HSLDA provides full representation at every stage of legal proceedings.
As a member, you not only receive numerous tangible benefits, but you also receive the intangible and invaluable blessing of defending liberty for future generations. Your membership not only works to further your right to homeschool now, but through you, countless other families will enjoy these same liberties as they seek to homeschool their own children in future generations.
HSLDA is a nonprofit national membership organization of families who homeschool their children. HSLDA is organized as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under the rules of the IRS. The Federal Relations Department (formerly known as the National Center for Home Education) is a department of Home School Legal Defense Association that focuses on federal legislation, grassroots lobbying, and research.
To preserve and advance the fundamental, God-given, constitutional right of parents and others legally responsible for their children to direct their education. In so doing, we rely on two fundamental freedoms–parental rights and religious freedom. We advocate for these freedoms in the courtrooms, before government officials, and in the public arena. Additionally, we assist other educational organizations in similar activities, where possible and appropriate.
HSLDA's mission is to protect the freedom of all homeschoolers regardless of their faith background. HSLDA officers, directors and employees are followers of Christ who seek to provide the very highest levels of service in defending homeschooling freedom and equipping homeschoolers. HSLDA membership is open to all who choose to exercise their fundamental parental right to educate their children at home.
No. All information is kept confidential, including address or personal information. You may periodically receive mailings from the Home School Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization directly related to HSLDA.
Anytime. HSLDA is available 24/7. Call 1-540-338-5600.
- Protects your right to homeschool and defends your family. A lawyer is on call 24/7.
- Preserves homeschool freedom for all families.
- Promotes homeschooling nationwide.
- Works with state homeschooling groups to pass homeschool-friendly legislation.
- Stops unfavorable bills at the state and federal levels.
- Answers specific questions regarding homeschooling your students:
- Early years (PreK-8th grade)
- High school (including preparing for college or career paths)
- Struggling learners (special needs/gifted and talented)
- Connects you with the cause of homeschooling - preserving the right to homeschool today and for future generations
- The Home School Court Report - HSLDA's quarterly membership magazine. It contains important information about new laws and court cases that affect homeschoolers, as well as other information about HSLDA's activity on behalf of our members and items of interest to the homeschooling community.
- Weekly updates and e-lerts
- Stay on top of the latest homeschooling news and related legislation in your state or the nation.
- E-newsletters
- Early years, high school, and special needs e-newsletters are specifically designed to help you with your homeschooling challenges.
- HSLDA Store
- Special member pricing throughout HSLDA's online store
- HSLDA PerX program
- Take advantage of exclusive member discounts and offers from national products and services
- HSLDA Online Academy
- $50-$100 savings on every online Advanced Placement course your high schooler takes
Pricing / How to Join HSLDA Through My Father's World
Affordable HSLDA membership rates through My Father's World
One Year | Lifetime | |
Regular Price | $150 | $1500 |
My Father's World Preferred Price | $135 | $1500 |