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Hebraic Classical Education
God Centric vs. Man Centric
My Father's World's God-centric curriculum mirrors the Greco-Roman classical approach of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. However, where the traditional Greco-Roman classical approach has a man-centric view of the universe, we utilize a Hebraic approach. We teach about the God of the universe and His relationship with mankind whereas traditional classical education teaches about the gods that man creates and worships.
Consistent Interaction with God's Word
We encourage growing in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom through consistent interaction with God's Word. Starting with simple Bible verse memorization at the youngest years we grow the mind of our homeschool students to memorize larger portions of Scripture and eventually the whole book of James. We employ the classical approach of grammar, logic, and rhetoric by dividing our curriculum into three stages that we call Discover, Investigate, and Declare.
Preschool - 3rd Grade
During the grammar stage of learning, children discover the building blocks for all other learning in future years. Teaching focuses on learning about God and His world, how to read and write, and an overview of history from Creation to the present.
4th Grade - 8th Grade
In the logic stage of learning, children investigate cause and effect as they begin to think more analytically and understand how facts fit together into a logical framework. Integrating Bible, chronological history, geography, science, literature, music, and art helps children to understand the world around them.
High School
During the rhetoric stage of learning, students learn to apply the rules of logic to their knowledge in order to declare their conclusions both verbally and in writing. My Father's World integrates Bible, history, and English to help students grow in their understanding of a biblical worldview.
Integrating Hands-On, Unit Studies
My Father's World intermixes play and simple, fun activities with traditional classical methodologies such as learning Latin and Greek roots and chronological history in order to build the foundation to become lifelong learners. As students grow, they expand their understanding of God's World throughout the Family Learning Cycle (investigate) as they participate interactively with parents and siblings. At this age, students gather information and respond "logically" and creatively to it through notebook assignments that interweave both writing and art. They dig deeply into mankind's diversity through the study of culture and geography on which foundation, students learn world history chronologically by developing timelines that demonstrate what is happening in all parts of the world simultaneously. U.S. history is interwoven into the tapestry of world history, helping students to think globally.
Mastering the Ability to Declare God's Truth
At the high school level (declare), My Father's World includes a mastery of rhetoric and a pursuit of wisdom. This includes the completion of argumentative essays, traditional research papers, and analyses of classic World and American literature, all from a biblical worldview. A verse-by-verse reading of the full Bible provides students the ability to declare God's Truth when challenged with secular thought. Drawing from all they have learned in Bible, English, and history, these exercises help students mature in their understanding and ownership of a biblical worldview and further their rhetorical skills. Our hope at My Father's World is that not only will students and families use these skills in post-high school formal and informal learning, but that they also will share God's Word with people both at home and around the globe.
My Father's World is dedicated to inspiring academic excellence in an easy and life transforming way. As you see college on the horizon, we highly encourage you to consider the options provided by Unbound, our strategic ally for higher education.
Homeschool Made Easy
My Father's World makes homeschooling easy by combining the best of Charlotte Mason's ideas, Hebraic classical education, and unit studies with a biblical worldview and global focus. Learn more about our Innovative Approach to Homeschool.