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Madeleine Takes Command

Item #: 14304 
Available: 78.00

Ethel C. Brill

ISBN: 9781883937171

When her parents are gone, fourteen-year-old Madeleine must take command of the fort when it is attacked by Mohawk Indians. With only a handful of soldiers to help, she defends the fort for over a week until reinforcements arrive. Based on a true story.


Trouble in New France

Working with feverish haste, Madeleine selected muskets, pistols, powder, and bullets. The sight of a man's hat, an old one that had belonged to her father, lying on a powder cask, gave her an idea. She pulled off her linen cap and put on the hat. It was not too large over her heavy hair, and, seen above the pickets, it would deceive the Indians. She was adjusting powder horn and bullet pouch when Louis and Alexandre ran in with Laviolette at their heels.

"Arm yourselves quickly," Madeleine ordered.

"What is your plan, Ma'm'selle?" the old soldier inquired.

"To defend the seigneury to the last. The little children must stay in the blockhouse and their mothers with them. That leaves only six of us to guard the palisades. We must try to make the Mohawks believe that we have a strong garrison. If they attack, we can only do our best. We are fighting for our people - what there are left of them- for our country and our faith. Let us fight to the death if need be."

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Explore the New World with Leif Ericsson, Christopher Columbus, and others. Discover the amazing story of the U.S. from colonial times to the California gold rush in this year-long curriculum for 4th-8th grade.

Learn about the courage and faith of many who came to America. Help children understand man's struggles in world exploration as your family memorizes the book of James.

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD--Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.