Taking the Old Testament Challenge

Item #: 16801 
Available: 174.00

Judson Poling

ISBN: 9780310249139

Travel through the entire Old Testament and deepen your walk with God. This study book includes a daily reading guide, comments, and questions that will heighten your knowledge of God's word.

Families with more than one 9th-12th grader may want to purchase additional copies of this book.


Taking the Old Testament Challenge is an integral part of Old Testament Challenge, a dynamic program for churches. This individual reading guide brings the Old Testament up close and personal as each participant takes a life-transforming journey through the first two-thirds of the Bible. The truths of Scripture will enter deep into hearts and lives-with applications that turn lessons into lifestyles and principles into practice.

If you ever . . .

  • wondered what's in the Bible Jesus studied
  • promised yourself, "One of these days, I'm going to get serious about reading the whole Old Testament"
  • wanted a personal "guide" to lead you through unfamiliar territory in the Old Testament

. . . then this book is for you!

In less than a year, you can travel through the entire Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi. These daily readings, comments, and questions will deepen your walk with God and heighten your knowledge of his Word. But this book is far more than a simple reading program. It will lead you to a devotional experience with God.

Discover why Jesus was so passionate about the Old Testament and quoted from it so frequently. As you open this reading guide and your Bible, you'll see why the same ancient wisdom that Jesus treasured is just what you need for your life today.

Families with more than one 9th-12th grader may want to purchase additional copies of this book.


Ancient History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).

Throughout the year, our pre-planned lessons guide the student through the entire Old Testament, while applying its truths to their lives with insightful questions and discussions.

Students develop composition skills and analyze literary classics from a Christian perspective with invigorating vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking questions.

My Father's World believes Ancient History and Literature is critical to a biblical scope and sequence, integrating Old Testament readings with the study of ancient cultures and literature.
