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Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible
J. Daniel Hays and J. Scott Duvall
ISBN: 9780801015458
Gain a better understanding of the Bible with this book-by-book companion. Including full-color photos, illustrations, and maps, this volume will give your student insight into the central teaching, setting, and archaeological features of each of the books of the Bible.
Also helpful for those using Journey Bible reading blog.
A Clear and Reliable Guide to Each Book of the Bible
The Bible is God's story, but its sheer size and complexity can overwhelm us. The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible is your clear and concise guide to God's Word. This attractive resource presents the central teaching, setting, message, and interesting features of the books of the Bible. Each biblical book is placed in the context of Scripture as a whole, allowing you to see God's unfolding plan from Genesis to Revelation.
With beautiful, full-color photos, maps, and illustrations, this book-by-book companion to the Bible provides a fascinating and carefully crafted summary of the information you need to know to grasp the big picture of the Bible.

Ancient History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).
Throughout the year, our pre-planned lessons guide the student through the entire Old Testament, while applying its truths to their lives with insightful questions and discussions.
Students develop composition skills and analyze literary classics from a Christian perspective with invigorating vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking questions.
My Father's World believes Ancient History and Literature is critical to a biblical scope and sequence, integrating Old Testament readings with the study of ancient cultures and literature.