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The Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English

Item #: 17304 
Available: 97.00

John Bunyan

ISBN: 9780882707570

Follow Pilgrim and his family as they journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City in this classic story of Pilgrim's Progress retold in modern English. This volume contains both parts of the work, detailing the pilgrimage of Christian and the pilgrimage of his wife, Christiana, and their children.


Now in modern English and packed full of helpful features, this new edition will enable you to enjoy this "classic of classics" more than ever before.

The Pilgrim's Progress has been called "the greatest allegory ever written." Its appeal sweeps across the scopes of age, intellect, and education. Children read it for the excitement of the story; eager believers are challenged and trained by its invaluable teaching; Bible students and scholars alike read it for its depth of doctrine.

Just as relevant today as it was when John Bunyan wrote it from his cell in prison, The Pilgrim's Progress is the story of every Christian- from the first stirrings of the Holy Spirit beckoning us to follow Christ to our final arrival in the Celestial City of God.

This new, complete edition, written in plain, modern English, is an enriching complement to any Christian's personal library. The Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English will be enjoyed and treasured by people of all ages for years to come.


World History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).

As students journey through the curriculum's pre-planned daily lessons, they will experience spiritual growth as they read the entire New Testament and other thought-provoking Christian literature.

Students will also engage in readings and analysis of classic literature written in or about the historical period being studied while learning valuable research and composition methods.
