Under God Student Text

Item #: 18710 
Available: 92.00

William C. Hendricks

ISBN: 9780880622929

Learn the universal foundations of constitutional government and the specific historical background of the United States government.


Learn the universal foundations of constitutional government and the specific historical background of the United States government. In this text, the student will explore the functions of each branch of government as defined in the Constitution and the Amendments.

Under God assigns real life application projects for the student to complete. There are no tests scheduled for this book.

Note: Under God was revised in February, 2013. Because of this change, we no longer use the Teacher Resource Booklet. The Answer Key - U.S. History to 1877 and U.S. History 1877 to the Present now contains answers to the chapter review questions.


U.S. History to 1877 is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates U.S. history, government, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).

Throughout the year, students will develop a biblical worldview in their daily life, in areas such as history, economics, law, and science.

This curriculum focuses on the time of early exploration to the Civil War and dives into the structures and functions of the U.S. Government through reading historical documents, political speeches, and literature written during that time period.
