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Dimensions 6A/6B Full Year Set

Item #: 21860 
Available: 29.00

Dimensions 6 brings the Singapore math approach into middle school. The program emphasizes problem solving and empowers students to think mathematically, both inside and outside the classroom. It follows the principles outlined in the Singapore mathematics framework, including the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) Approach, bar modeling, and more.


Textbooks provide a systematic and well-rounded approach to middle school math. Chapters engage students in a variety of ways, from different levels of problem solving to real world application of math topics. The goal of the textbooks is to facilitate understanding and internalization of concepts, and to instill a curiosity to further explore math. Features & Components:

  • Chapter Opener: Introduces the topic through real world application and identifies learning objectives.
  • Example: Helps students understand a concept through a worked problem.
  • Try It!: Gives students an opportunity to answer a similar question to check how well they have grasped the concept.
  • Basic Practice: Provides simple questions that involve the direct application of concepts.
  • Class Activities: Introduce new concepts through cooperative learning methods.
  • In a Nutshell: Consolidates important rules and concepts for quick and easy review.
  • Further Practice: Provides more challenging questions that involve the direct application of concepts.
  • Math@Work: Provides questions that involve the application of integrated concepts to practical situations.
  • Brainworks: Provides higher-order thinking questions that involve an open-ended approach to problem solving.
  • Review Exercise: Gives students the opportunity to apply the concepts learned in the chapter through a variety of integrated questions.
  • Extend Your Learning Curve: Extends and applies concepts learned to problems that are investigative in nature and engages the students in independent research.

The answer key at the back of the book provides answers to the Try It! and the problems in the exercises for the Basic Practice, Further Practice, Maths@Work, and Brain Works questions. It does not include answers to the class activities or the Extend Your Learning Curve activities. Note: Two textbooks (A and B) for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year. Soft cover.

Workbooks are the essential supplements to textbooks as they give students the opportunity to practice applying new concepts. Workbook exercises polish analytical skills and help students develop a stronger foundation in math through repetition and variation. Features & Components:

  • Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill comprehension of concepts.
  • Further Practice: More difficult questions that involve direct application.
  • Challenging Practice: Questions that require synthesis.

The answer key at the back of the book provides answers only. Workbook Solutions (sold separately) contain fully worked solutions. Note: Two workbooks (A and B) correspond to the two halves of the school year. Soft cover.

The workbooks are consumable and should be used in conjunction with the textbooks. They contain the exercises the student does independently.
