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Language Arts
> Study Guide The Bronze Bow
Study Guide The Bronze Bow
Item #:
Available: 67.00
Carole Pelttari
ISBN: 9781586093334
Progeny Press study guides help your child develop skills in literary analysis. Introduces concepts such as plot, character development, conflict-resolution, all from a Christian perspective.
The 1962 Newbery Medal winner. Angry and vengeful at the death of his parents, Daniel bar Jamin joins an outlaw Zealot band pledging to do all he can to rid the land of the hated Romans. But Daniel's life is forever changed after an encounter with a wandering teacher named Jesus.
Progeny Press study guides include:
- background on the authors and stories
- pre-reading suggested activities
- vocabulary activities related to the stories
- general content questions
- literary analysis and terminology questions designed to give students a good understanding of writing technique and how to use it
- critical analysis questions designed to help students consider and analyze the intellectual, moral, and spiritual issues in the stories and weigh them with reference to scripture
- detailed answer key

Language Arts