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World History and Literature
Package and Individual Items
World History and Literature plus DECLARE Coaching combines this one-year curriculum for high school with online coaching through a Synergy Mentorship approach. Students will receive 18 bi-weekly group coaching calls, access to a private communication platform with students and coach, quarterly calls with student leaders and more. Parents are responsible for grading assignments and assigning final grades.
This package integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits). As students journey through the curriculum's pre-planned daily lessons, they will experience spiritual growth as they read the entire New Testament and other thought-provoking Christian literature.
Students will also engage in readings and analysis of classic literature written in or about the historical period being studied while learning valuable research and composition methods.
World History and Literature is a one-year curriculum for high school that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits).
As students journey through the curriculum's pre-planned daily lessons, they will experience spiritual growth as they read the entire New Testament and other thought-provoking Christian literature.
Students will also engage in readings and analysis of classic literature written in or about the historical period being studied while learning valuable research and composition methods.
Daily lesson plans are in an easy-to-use weekly chart format that lists each subject with the appropriate book titles and page numbers to complete each day.
DECLARE Coaching for World History and Literature combines this one-year curriculum for high school with online coaching through a Synergy Mentorship approach. Students will receive 18 bi-weekly group coaching calls, access to a private communication platform with students and coach, quarterly calls with student leaders and more.
World History and Literature Package is required.
Ray Notgrass
Volume 1 ISBN: 9781609990619
Volume 2 ISBN: 9781609990626
In Their Words ISBN: 9781609990633
Explore world history from a Christian perspective. Volume 1 covers from Creation to the Middle Ages; Volume 2 explores from the Renaissance to modern times; and In Their Words contains primary source documents, speeches, poems, and stories from world history.
Ray Notgrass
Student Review ISBN: 9781609990718
Quiz & Exam Book ISBN: 9781609990725
Answer Key ISBN: 9781609990732
Review and exam materials for Exploring World History.
Marvin Scott
ISBN: 9780825128803
Ready-to-use reproducible maps and activities will help your student gain a better grasp of history. Covers all the major events and empires through the ages.
ISBN: 9780528014475
From ancient to modern times, these detailed historical maps will give the student a grasp of countries and empires throughout the ages. From borders to battles, this atlas covers the major events of history.
Ray Notgrass
ISBN: 9781609990619
Explore world history from a Christian perspective. Part 1 covers from Creation to the Middle Ages.
Ray Notgrass
ISBN: 9781609990633
Explore world history from a Christian perspective. In Their Words contains primary source documents, speeches, poems, and stories from world history.
William Shakespeare and Wim Coleman
ISBN: 9780789160836
Shakespeare made easy! The modern English version side-by-side with the full original text helps the student better understand this classic play concerning the events surrounding the assassination of Julius Caesar.
Seamus Heaney
ISBN: 9780393320978
One of the first works of literature in English, this epic poem follows the adventures of Beowulf as he defeats monsters and dragons. This classic contains the original Old English text with the easy-to-read modern English translation of Seamus Heaney.
Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach
ISBN: 9780940232013
Containing both the original text of Brother Lawrence's Practicing the Presence of God and the letters of missionary Frank Laubach, this volume chronicles these men's experience of focusing on the constant presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.
John Bunyan
ISBN: 9780882707570
Follow Pilgrim and his family as they journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City in this classic story of Pilgrim's Progress retold in modern English. This volume contains both parts of the work, detailing the pilgrimage of Christian and the pilgrimage of his wife, Christiana, and their children.
George Eliot
ISBN: 9780486292465
In this story of love, disappointment, and redemption, the weaver of Raveloe learns the true meaning of happiness. Silas Marner comes to understand the greatest treasure is the gift of family.
Charles Dickens
ISBN: 9780141325545
Against the backdrop of the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, this classic tale unfolds. From London to Paris and back again, follow a story of love, loyalty, and sacrifice as Dickens interweaves the lives of several families affected by these tumultuous times.
Jane Austen
ISBN: 9780553213102
Follow the story of Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy as they grow from an initial reaction of disdain to feelings of love. More than a tale of upper class society in Regency era England, this novel touches on the core issues of relationships, making it one of the most popular novels in British literature.
Alan Paton
ISBN: 9780743262170
Follow Stephen Kumalo, an aging Zulu priest, as he attempts to find his family in Johannesburg. Set amid the racial and economic divisions of South Africa and the resulting societal disintegration, this story demonstrates the love and hope of God.
Howard Taylor
ISBN: 9780802456588
The biography of Hudson Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission. From his conversion as a teenager to his final breath in China, Taylor was a shining example of dependence on God and a heart for missions.
Corrie ten Boom
ISBN: 9780800794057
Read the riveting account of Corrie ten Boom and her family as they hide Jews from the Nazis during World War II. Arrested and sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp, only Corrie survives to tell how faith and forgiveness triumphs over evil.
George Orwell
ISBN: 9780451526342
In this classic allegory, the overworked, mistreated animals revolt against the tyranny of Farmer Jones and attempt to establish a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. The result, however, is the emergence of a totalitarianism that is just as terrible for all the animals except the leaders.
Charles M. Sheldon
ISBN: 9781565631526
The story of a church congregation whose members are challenged to not take a single action without first asking, "What would Jesus do?" Discover how this crucial question can transform not only individual lives, but an entire town.
ISBN: 9780789172321
Covering the period of 449 to 1798, this volume presents excerpts of important British literature. This parallel text edition with the original English on one side and a modern, easy-to-understand paraphrase on the facing page will help your student to fully understand these classic works.
Answer key for British Literature.
ISBN: 978194639118
With concise, easy-to-use guidelines, examples, and strategies, this handbook will improve your student's writing skills and serve as a resource for years to come.
Plantagenet Somerset Fry
ISBN: 9780756670795
From the beginning of civilization to the present, experience a visual chronology of world history. This exclusive My Father's World version is based on the 3rd (green) edition, but begins with "The First Civilizations" (B.C.), omitting 22 pages of prehistoric man and animals found in other editions. This beautiful, full-color, 378-page hardcover book would be a great addition to any family library, and is especially recommended for junior high, high school, and parent reference.
Oversized timeline book with color-coded lines for different continents and disciplines.
ISBN: 9781619991545
Over 400 timeline figures to use with the World History Timeline Book.
Ray Notgrass
ISBN: 9781609990626
Explore world history from a Christian perspective. Part 2 explores from the Renaissance to modern times
Gene Fedele
ISBN: 9780882709593
Within the pages of this book you will find a generation by generation account of the lives of great and godly men and women who have changed the world for Christ, from the time our great Master walked the earth to the present day. These heroes of our faith were appointed by God and granted supernatural courage and strength to stand up against tyranny and unbelief, and carry the torch of divine truth in splendor and victory.
Josh McDowell
ISBN: 9781414333809
A thorough examination of the evidence that Jesus was more than a carpenter, he was God in the flesh. Considers the reliability of Scripture, the testimony of the disciples, and the clues to the authenticity of the resurrection.
ISBN: 9789901981403
Discover how the beliefs of 17 cults and religions compare to Christianity.
Bruce Shelley and R.L. Hatchett
ISBN: 9780310115960
Church history comes alive in this classic text highly recommended for strong readers. Scheduled as an optional resource in the Daily Lesson Plans to add more thorough information about church history.
Recommended for World History and Literature. Purchase separately.
ISBN: 9781596360891
Compare the four major Christian interpretations of the end times.
Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King
ISBN: 9781087741680
God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan, and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.
Purchase one per additional student; one for each parent also recommended.