For 2nd - 6th grade, math is purchased separately in addition to your package

If you are new to Dimensions Math®, your child must take a placement test (available free, below).

The information on these pages can be printed here.

Using Dimensions Math®

Why Use Dimensions Math

Dimensions Math uses a highly effective teaching approach based on research of math mastery in the country of Singapore, which consistently ranks among the top in international math testing.

In a typical U.S. program, students are given an example and then solve problems using the same steps. In Dimensions Math, students are taught how to think through concepts and apply them in new ways. They learn to think mathematically.

Another strength of this approach is the strong mental math component. Logical, unique strategies are taught that help students truly understand mathematical concepts. Students are then able to solve problems mentally without always relying on paper and pencil.

We recommend that you find time to watch each of the teacher education videos listed below, produced by Hillsdale College. It is important for anyone who will be teaching math to watch these before they begin teaching.

  1. Why Singapore Mathematics? (the importance of presenting concepts in this order: concrete, pictorial, abstract)
  2. How to Use a Ten Frame
  3. Using Number Bonds (an eye-opening presentation showing how “number bonds” help students understand simple numbers, fractions, and decimals)
  4. Using Place Value Manipulatives (to add, subtract, multiply, and divide)
  5. Using Bar Models (a frequently used technique)

Pacing of Instruction

Many students who switch to Dimensions Math after 2nd grade will need to complete more than one lesson a day until they are on target to complete at least Level 5B by the end of 6th grade. (Some students may easily be able to finish 6B, and should be encouraged to do so.)

The following time recommendations will help students catch up.

  • 3rd and 4th graders who are behind should spend at least 45 minutes a day on math.
  • 5th graders who are behind should spend at least 60 minutes a day on math.
  • 6th graders who are behind should spend at least 75 minutes a day on math.

Once students have progressed sufficiently so that they are on track to finish at least Level 5B by the end of 6th grade, they can complete one lesson per day.

Using Dimensions Math
Each one-semester set from My Father's World includes:
  • One consumable Textbook (one per semester)
  • One consumable Workbook (one per semester)
  • One Home Instructor's Guide (Ideal for home, school, or MicroSchool, they are much more concise and easier to use than traditional Teacher's Guides.)

Dimensions Math is divided into two semesters: A-1st semester and B-2nd semester. Students can begin instruction with "A" or "B" depending on their math knowledge. Two one-semester sets should suffice for a standard school year. (If a student is working at an accelerated pace, then you will need more than the two one-semester sets per school year.)

Textbooks and Workbooks are also available separately if you are teaching the same level to more than one student.

Textbooks and Workbooks

Each day's lesson uses both the Textbook and Workbook.

Textbook: Pages are designed to be taught by the teacher, not given to students for independent work. Follow the instructions in the Home Instructor's Guide. Be flexible—students who understand the concept well might skip some repetitive problems; students who struggle might need more assistance. At the end of each day's Textbook pages, a yellow pencil directs you to the corresponding exercise in the Workbook.

Workbook: There are no directions for the Workbook in the Home Instructor's Guide. Answers are at the end of each chapter and may include teaching hints. Be sure to read the “Workbook” section on page xii in the Home Instructor's Guide.

For workbook pages, read the directions aloud to students and be sure they understand what to do. Then students complete workbook pages independently. If you find that a student has difficulty completing a page, work with them individually. Determine if the student understands the concept but needs to be taught how to work quietly and independently, or if the student doesn't understand and needs more instruction. Workbook pages are perforated and may be torn out if preferred.

  • Be flexible: The authors of this program don't expect every student to complete every question. You can select how many (and which) problems to assign. (Classroom: Pages may be completed in class or at home.)
  • Challenge problems, found at the end of some lessons, are optional enrichment.
  • Students may arrive at correct answers using different processes from those shown in the Home Instructor's Guide. Accept all correct answers.

Video Instruction (recommended add-on; purchase at link below)

As an optional add-on, you can purchase 12-month access to video lessons that teach all the textbook and workbook lessons. These are excellent videos that show students how to use a variety of techniques to solve problems. If you use the videos you won't use the Guides for instruction, but will still need them for answers and as a backup.

You might watch the videos yourself before teaching a lesson to better understand the math techniques used. Or you might watch them together with a student. (If you give them to a student to watch independently, which is not our top recommendation, then train them to stop the video each time the online teacher asks them to work problems.) Skip the videos for the workbook if the student is doing well.

The same teacher and format is used for all grades. You can watch the first few lessons FREE for each course.

In addition to Dimensions Math we recommend:

We recommend regular practice of math facts written horizontally, instead of vertically, to reinforce how math concepts are being taught in Dimensions Math. Horizontal Math Addition/Subtraction Flashcards and Horizontal Math Multiplication/Division Flashcards are a simple and effective way to mentally practice math facts. Use Fast Facts for written practice of math facts consistent with Dimensions Math.


Textbooks (and Workbooks) include pages that may be used as tests:

  • "Practice" pages at the end of each chapter (and the corresponding Workbook pages for that day) review the chapter.
  • "Review" pages, twice each semester, (and the corresponding Workbook pages for that day) review all concepts taught.

Schools: Optional tests are available to purchase for Grades 1-5. We do not recommend them because in most cases they are not necessary. Review and Practice pages can function as informal tests to document how students are progressing without the added time, stress, and expense of additional testing. However, tests are available for purchase at Dimensions Math. The booklets include answers at the back.

Dimensions Math is a registered trademark of Singapore Math, Inc.

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ISBN: 9781619990302

Help your child with speed and memorization of math facts with these practice cards.

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