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Schools and MicroSchools
Reforming Education in America
Now you can bring My Father’s World curriculum into your School or MicroSchool.
We define a MicroSchool as:
- Any non-traditional gathering of students using the same curriculum and meeting regularly to engage together in its content
- Two or more families meeting one to five days a week
- A small church hiring teachers to engage in small multi-age classrooms
- Extended My Father's World Synergy Groups
- DECLARE Coaching gatherings
MicroSchooling with My Father's World:
- Develops communication skills and benefits from peer learning
- Offers customizable schedules to fit your child's needs and learning style
- Engages varying teaching styles through multiple parent-teachers
- Builds a community of like-minded parents
- Is an affordable and economic choice when compared to private education
Our Curriculum:
- Thoroughly integrates God’s Word across a variety of subjects: Hebraic Classical Education
- Is designed so a parent/teacher can seamlessly lead multiple children across a wide age range: Our Curriculum
- Can be taught easily by a small team of parents/teachers: What Makes Us Unique
- Provides step-by-step daily lesson plans for minimal prep time and maximum ease of use: Our Philosophy
- Is structured to cover required subjects in less time than an average public school day: Our Scope and Sequence
- Encourages older children to help by sharing knowledge with the younger children: Our Family Learning Cycle