Schools and MicroSchools

Reforming Education in America

Now you can bring My Father’s World curriculum into your School or MicroSchool.

We define a MicroSchool as:

  • Any non-traditional gathering of students using the same curriculum and meeting regularly to engage together in its content
  • Two or more families meeting one to five days a week
  • A small church hiring teachers to engage in small multi-age classrooms
  • Extended My Father's World Synergy Groups
  • DECLARE Coaching gatherings

MicroSchooling with My Father's World:

  • Develops communication skills and benefits from peer learning
  • Offers customizable schedules to fit your child's needs and learning style
  • Engages varying teaching styles through multiple parent-teachers
  • Builds a community of like-minded parents
  • Is an affordable and economic choice when compared to private education

Our Curriculum:

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